Wednesday, March 16, 2011

TMFH: Spring Cleaning

I'll do some not fun stuff, you'll do some not fun stuff.  We'll get it done quickly, then go out to eat.  Deal?


  1. i love it. i have a feeling i will be saying that to my husband this weekend.

  2. cleaning is always easier when someone willingly helps out. And it can kind of be fun too. hope your running is going well.

  3. Yesss. Especially the going out to eat part.

  4. I hate that this reminded me that I should clean...

  5. LOVE it! I've been thinking... maybe instead of doing TMFH posts, I could do something like.... What my husband WISHES he knew before he married me. Things like, I hate spring cleaning and the only way to get me to do it is to promise to take me out to dinner. :)

  6. Jody! I miss you!! I love keeping up with your blog!!
