Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Its been a few days...

This is us at the dance on Friday. Sarah, Natali, Gustavo, girl I don´t know, Alan, me and Elder Quezada from my mission.

I have been slacking off with my blogging, so here is a catch up update.

Sunday I had a really amazing time at church. We happened to sit down next to some investigators in church and so I spent most of sacrament meeting teaching the guy I was sitting next to about our church. He had so many questions and I was so grateful the Lord had put me there to answer them. I felt like a missionary again and it brought back a lot of really tender memories for me. He is a really smart guy and was quite shocked about the word of wisdom, but he was impressed by it. He came to the YSA class with us and the lesson was on missionary work so myself and another return missionary talked to him more about the service that we give in the church as missionaries. He said he really liked church and that he was going to come back next week, so I am excited about that.

Sunday night we of course had FHE and the lesson was really awesome. Victor played this video of a graduation that Steve Jobs (the owner\creator of Pixar) gave that was amazing about goal setting and never giving up. I set a few long term and short term goals that I am really excited to complete. One of them is my upcoming marathon challenge in September. I doubt I will be ready for it, but each week I am putting in a few more miles so I am excited to actually complete it. The other two were kind of random, but ones that I have been thinking about a lot lately. I really want to start some sort of scholarship program to bring latin americans to the U.S. to study english. I don´t know why, but one day Sarah and I talked about it, and ever since then I have been thinking about how much that would help them, just to be able to learn english and then take it back to t heir country and use it. I am sure this won´t happen for many many years, but it is something that I really want to do. The other goal I have is to write at least one song in my life time that makes it to an EFY CD. That would mean a lot to me.

Monday I went running. It almost killed me but I did it and I am glad I did. I cleaned the house and then met up with my friend Gustavo for lunch. He took me all around and I had a really good time chatting with him. I feel like I have been really blessed in my time here to come in contact with some amazing people. Monday night was of course our FHE with the senior missionaries which was really interesting and about the Mountain Medow Massacre. I had never really heard anything about it so it was pretty interesting to me. Then of course we watched 24 with Todd and went to bed.

Yesterday´s workshop was AMAZING! We have a group of nine and they are all really energetic which makes it so much fun. Sarah and I were at our best (we are stoked to be teaching together again) and it just flowed so well. We had a few that were a bit skeptical of our methods, but over all they were just thrilled with what we were teaching them and were just feeling so good. They love us, we love them, life couldn´t get any better.

After the workshop I seriously put the pedal to the metal and I wrote three papers yesterday. Yeah, I am that cool. I am feeling good about what I am doing and I think I will be able to get everything done well before their deadlines. This is a good thing.

I also started calling people down south to let them know I am going to be down there. I am so excited and I really can´t believe this is going to happen. I am so excited to be there with my dad and show him the most beautiful places on earth!!

I met up with Sarah after her shift in the temple and we were going to go grocery shopping, but we ended up going out to eat with our ward that had just gotten out of Institute. It was fun and we laughed a ton which is always good...My time is going by too fast!!

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